I was writing earlier about the siren song of the next best thing. We are all gear heads at heart and have to have the newest gadget. 2 million more mega pixels will make me a better photographer. I need the D90 because 2 control wheels on and on, we look for reasons to justify new equipment. As our long suffering wives would say boy and their toys (this gear gathering affliction is almost 100% male). Meanwhile our current digital cameras do a great job. I was adjusting sharpening and saturation levels from the base level. I am not a photoshop warrior I basically shoot JPEGS so I am looking to get it right when I shoot it. As a total aside I use my dogs as my models when I am trying something new or pick up a new piece of gear, go to my first post and and it was my last dog. This shot is out of the camera the only adjustment is a crop.
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