I was out of town this weekend. My wife and I were in Margate NJ. This is a picture of us in front of Lucy the Margate Elephant. It was taken with my Nikon D70. Digital is great for quick sharing of photos.

This is a scan from a slide. The film was Velvia 100F but the scanner is an Epson flat bed. I don't own a dedicated film scanner that would maximize my scans. Film sales are down and we don't know what the future brings for film users. My guess is that we will be a niche market much like vinyl records are after CD's.

This is a digital picture from the same session. Digital is very seductive you have the ability to review as you go. When you get home you can download and manipulate the images a very immediate involvement soon after taking the picture. Digital is taking the world by storm but film still has advantages. One film advantage is storage I know that 20 years from now I will be able to look at my slides on a light table. Digital storage media is still evolving much like emuslions back in the late 1800's.

My first rambling

This is a blog about my photographic life. I have been to much of a gear head buying and selling cameras. I use mostly Nikons but vacillate between auto focus and manual focus also between film and digital. I have also bought and sold several medium format bodies. I am trying to focus pun intended on what type of photography I want to create. Years ago I used to wander around with an Olympus ON2n and a 50mm lens. It seems like I enjoyed myself more with less equipment. I find digital to fun but worry about permanance. The pic is our dog Fluffy out in the rain